
  All around the world people are becoming more and more aware of global warming and it's consequences.We now are looking  for better ways to manage and control the amount and source of polution that is produced. Over the last few decades many new ideas and technoligies have been discovered and tested that reduce enviromental pollution. Such as solar panels (solar powered panels that produce energy or electricity from the energy of the sun). Solar panels were are panels of closely packaged photovaltic cells that convert energy from the sun into  electricity. They are conected to a lage metal panel and wired to the consumer building threw an inverter. These though need to be protected from the effects of the enviroment and are placed on dry flat areas (usaully on roofs ) and are covered with a glass covering. Another idea  to prevent energy  is to harness the energy of the wind. This is done by using wind turbines placed on flat areas that are subjected to alot of wind. They are usaully arange in groups of hundreds. Wind-power produces 1.5% of the worlds energy, but has doubled in use from 2005-2009 and it acounts for a large percentage of electricity production in many countries. Wind turbines have three large blades that rotate from the power of wind and the engine in them is powered when the kinetic energy produced by the wind is converted into electricity threw an inverter. Lastily, an recentally found eco-friendlly power source is water power or tidal power. This technology is very new so has not been mass produced or used. The machines in a tidal energy plant are fitted with sensing panels that move with the push of the waves that in turn powers engines and electricity is produce through inverters. These are just the most reconigized forts of eco -friendly power source but there are many more sources and many more brilliant minds like yours thinking away.